Lecture: “Why Epistemic Decolonisation in Africa?” by Veli Mitova, Zoom, Jul. 4, 2024

The Department of Philosophy at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) cordially invites you to the 1st Philosophy Lecture Series.  Topic: Why Epistemic Decolonisation in Africa? Date: Thursday, 4th July 2024  Time: 11.00 am WAT Speaker: Professor Veli Mitova, Director, African Center for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.  Register in […]

Lecture by Jina Fast, SOAS World Philosophies Lecture Series, Zoom, Jun. 28

The Centre for Global and Comparative Philosophies is pleased to invite you to the 22nd Lecture in the SOAS World Philosophies Lecture Series.  The Lecture will be delivered by Jina Fast, SHIFT Professor of Applied Ethics and the Common Good, Hampshire College, Amherst  Title: Aesthetics and the Ordinary Notes of Being in Marcuse, Wynter, and Sharpe Summary In a […]

Response to My “Philosophy of Disability: Its Purposes and Places,” Eastern APA, New York, January 16, 2024 (Guest post)

(This post comprises a slightly modified version of a response to my “Philosophy of Disability: Its Purposes and Places” that Julie Maybee delivered at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division conference in New York City on January 16, 2024. ________________________________________________________ Response to Shelley Tremain by Julie Maybee In my remarks today, I would like to […]

Webinaire Justice Épistémique // Epistemic Justice Webinar

La Chaire de recherche du Canada sur l’injustice et l’agentivité épistémiques lance une nouvelle série de conférences en ligne, mettant de l’avant des chercheur-es sous-représenté-es en philosophie et dans le monde académique et/ou qui travaillent sur des questions liées aux groupes minorisés. Les séances auront lieu entièrement en ligne sur Zoom. La Chaire est ravie […]

Happy New Year and a Surprise About the Bloomsbury Collection!

Happy New Year. In several months, The Bloomsbury Guide to Philosophy of Disability, which I have edited and anthologized, will be released. I am tremendously pleased with the collection which comprises twenty-six bold chapters. The book promises to be a significant intervention in philosophy. To give you some idea of what to expect later this […]

CFA: An Exploration of Human Nature: Perspectives From African Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Online, Oct. 12-14, 2021 (deadline: July 5, 2021)

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS 4th Biennial African Philosophy World Conference (APWC), 2021 Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria. (Virtual Conference) Conference Theme An Exploration of Human Nature: Perspectives from African Philosophy Date: Tuesday 12th–Thursday 14th October, 2021 Issues of human nature basically revolve around the reflections and intuitions of human beings about what constitute […]

CFP: Disability and African Indigenous Thought (deadline: Dec. 31, 2020)

Call for PapersDisability and African Indigenous ThoughtOrganized by the Disability and Inclusion Africa Network African indigenous thought – with specific reference to sub-Saharan Africa – informs understandings and conceptions of disability. Such conceptions of disability include explanations for, and representations of, different forms of disabilities, attitudes towards disabilities and persons with disabilities, and ways of […]

Dialogues on Disability: Shelley Tremain Interviews Julie Maybee Redux

Julie Maybee will be the first presenter in Philosophy, Disability and Social Change, the outstanding, free, and open access conference that will take place December 9th-11th. The Dialogues on Disability interview with Maybee that appears below was originally posted on the now-defunct Discrimination and Disadvantage blog in July 2018. Julie Maybee’s latest book is entitled […]