CALL FOR PAPERS: FOUCAULT’S CONCEPT OF EXPERIENCE Special issue of  PHILOSOPHY TODAY. An International Journal of Contemporary Philosophy Special issue editorsVilde Lid Aavitsland (University of Louisville)Leonhard Riep (Goethe University Frankfurt) Experience is a key concept in Foucault’s work, yet its centrality has long been overlooked. In many of his published works, such as The Order of […]

Dialogues on Disability on Wednesday, August 19th, at 8 a.m. ET

“I have read almost all of your interviews and they are always wonderful. …  I am really looking forward to the next installment of Dialogues on Disability.” —Adrian Piper “The Dialogues on Disability platform … has been very helpful to me, especially at times where I did not feel I belong in the world of academic […]

Sarah Jama #defundthepolice on Twitter

Yesterday, the well-known Black Canadian disabled activist Sarah Jama posted these provocative words to Twitter: 1/I’m on a break from the internet but logging on to say: ableism is systemic. Too many people use social justice language/ spaces as a vehicle to process personal experiences rather than as *disciplined tools* to fight for movement based […]

CFP: Phenomenology and Its Worlds: Critical and Applied Phenomenologies, Villanova, Mar. 27-28, 2020 (deadline: Dec. 15, 2019)

Featuring Keynote Addresses by Alia Al-Saji (McGill University) and Megan Craig (Stony Brook University) Phenomenology takes “the world” as one of its central themes. It is variously conceived as the intersubjective horizon of all experience, as the environment which surrounds and envelopes consciousness, and as the flesh into which bodies are interwoven. Yet, these conceptions are consistently interrogated by […]