CALL FOR PAPERS: FOUCAULT’S CONCEPT OF EXPERIENCE Special issue of  PHILOSOPHY TODAY. An International Journal of Contemporary Philosophy Special issue editorsVilde Lid Aavitsland (University of Louisville)Leonhard Riep (Goethe University Frankfurt) Experience is a key concept in Foucault’s work, yet its centrality has long been overlooked. In many of his published works, such as The Order of […]

Toward an Abolitionist Genealogy of Bioethics

In recent years, philosophers have increasingly engaged with each other in passionate discussions about academic freedom in the discipline of philosophy and academia more widely, as well as participated in heated debates with members of the broader public about freedom of speech in society generally. The topics around which the most impassioned discussions and debates […]

Notes on the Limits of Philosophical Discourse About Abortion

I suppose it was somewhat predictable that various so-called “analytic” philosophers would continue to uncritically accept and promulgate the arguments that liberal feminists (including liberal feminist philosophers) have made about “choice” and “personal autonomy” with respect to abortion. These arguments are very friendly with neoliberal ideas about the mobility of capital which outstrips national borders […]

CFP: Critical Genealogies Workshop, University of Richmond, Oct. 21-22, 2022 (deadline: Mar. 31, 2022)

Fourth Meeting of the Critical Genealogies Workshop  Call for Papers University of Richmond, Richmond, VA October 21–22, 2022 (with an opening night gathering on Thursday, Oct 20; workshop sessions on Friday & Saturday) The Critical Genealogies Workshop provides a space of collaboration and experimentation for scholars who deploy genealogy in order to investigate problematizations, possibilizations, […]

CFP: Confronting Discrimination: Phenomenological and Genealogical Perspectives, Innsbruck, Oct. 27-29, 2021 (deadline: Apr. 30, 2021)

Outlining the agenda The idea of equal treatment is essential to the self-conception of democratic societies: the rule of law promises protection against arbitrary disadvantages. However, contemporary social reality is still haunted by forms of discrimination. Often, discrimination goes unnoticed, is tacitly tolerated or even endorsed. The global Black Lives Matter movement starkly revealed this contradiction, thus […]

CFP: Continental Philosophy and Its Histories, Warwick, Jun. 5-6, 2020 (deadline: Mar. 15, 2020)

Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference: Continental Philosophy and its Histories Keynote Speakers: Prof Stella Sandford (Kingston University) Dr Mogens Lærke (CNRS) 05-06 June 2020 University of Warwick (UK) Continental Philosophy often focuses its efforts on studying, comparing, and criticising the thought of past philosophers. One would be hard-pressed to find a thinker in the Continental tradition who […]

CFP: Fourth Meeting of the Critical Genealogies Workshop, Richmond, Oct. 22-24, 2020 (deadline: Apr. 15, 2020)

The Fourth Meeting of the Critical Genealogies Workshop University of Richmond (Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.) October 23–24, 2020 (full days of sessions both Fri & Sat plus a reception on Oct 22) The Critical Genealogies Workshop offers a venue for presenting, discussing, and engaging genealogical work in progress. Workshop goals include thematizing and reflecting on larger questions of research […]

The Historical Origin of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Guest Post)

Guest Post by Patrick S. O’Donnell Thanks to Patrick S. O’Donnell for sharing his thoughts regarding the historical origin of PTSD. He wrote in response to a recent article published on Quartz, “Palestine’s head of mental health services says PTSD is a western concept”. Patrick S. O’Donnell is an independent researcher and writer, published primarily […]