CFP: Canadian Philosophical Perspectives: Diversity, Particularity, and Universality, Queen’s University, Mar. 21-22, 2020 (deadline: Feb. 6, 2020)

Keynote Speaker: Will Kymlicka

Philosophy both relies upon and interrogates the norms, practices, institutions, and histories of the societies we inhabit. It seeks both to provide an ecumenical account of these social features and to pay close attention to questions facing particular societies. Philosophy in the Canadian context might thus face a dual mandate to say something both about Canada and the broader world.

Is there a distinctly Canadian perspective on philosophy? Or does philosophy, while arising out of particular perspectives, aim at the universal? Alternatively, is such a delineation as ‘Canadian philosophy’ unwarranted, essentializing, or colonial? What ought the practice of philosophy in Canada look like? And what are the questions that have yet to be answered? This conference aims to critically interrogate the project of philosophy in Canada and bring together scholars working with various threads of these questions.

This conference seeks submissions from graduate students in philosophy and related fields. We solicit 200-300 word abstracts addressing questions broadly within the ambit of social, political, and metaphilosophy that draws upon or analyzes the norms, practices, institutions, and histories of the Canadian state and the Indigenous nations and peoples whose lands upon which the Canadian state was founded.

Presentations are limited to twenty minutes. Those interested in presenting should submit an abstract and a cover letter via email to no later than 5:00pm EST on February 6, 2020. Submissions should be suitable for anonymous review, and the separate cover letter should include the abstract title, author name, institution, and a short bio (at most 150 words). We will accept submissions in Word or PDF format.

Any questions may be directed to

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