CALL FOR PAPERS: FOUCAULT’S CONCEPT OF EXPERIENCE Special issue of  PHILOSOPHY TODAY. An International Journal of Contemporary Philosophy Special issue editorsVilde Lid Aavitsland (University of Louisville)Leonhard Riep (Goethe University Frankfurt) Experience is a key concept in Foucault’s work, yet its centrality has long been overlooked. In many of his published works, such as The Order of […]

Survey: Race, Gender, Syllabus Tone, Student Resistance, and Student Evaluations in Philosophy-Updated

INFORMED CONSENT INFORMATION KEY INFORMATION: My name is Cecilea Mun, and I am a Philosophy PhD, conducting research the relationship between race, gender, language employed in a syllabus, student resistance, and student evaluations. I am the principal investigator (PI) for this study, titled “Race, Gender, Syllabus Tone, Student Resistance, and Student Evaluations in Philosophy.” You must be […]

More on the Referee Crisis, Neoliberalism, & Sad Beige Philosophy (SBP)

This is part of a 3-part series. You can find the first and third posts here and here. In my last post, I wrote about the referee crisis and its relationship to neoliberalism. In short, there’s a backlog of papers in the publication pipeline because there aren’t enough referees to review them. Why aren’t there […]

Solidarity with CUPE and Other Unions

BIOPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY positions itself in SOLIDARITY with CUPE education workers and all other unions and workers in Canada who are under attack from neoliberal governments that use legislative tactics like the bill that the Doug Ford Government of Ontario passed on Thursday. The passage of Bill 28 is a violation of the most fundamental rights […]

CFP: Diverse Families, One Law? University of Bern, Nov. 9-10, 2020 (deadline: Mar. 31, 2020)

Keynote: Elizabeth Brake Today’s families differ widely in their form, internal organisation, lifestyle and values. At the same time, liberal states are in need of binding rules that serve to protect individuals’ and particularly children’s rights. Challenges arise when liberal values or socially recognized norms conflict with particular ways of organising family life, for instance, […]

Signs of Blind People

If you used Google to get here and you are sighted, you might have noticed that the graphic for Google Doodle today commemorates the introduction of tenji block on railway platforms in Okayama, Japan, fifty-two years ago today. “Tenji block” is the name that Seiichi Miyake gave to the tactile paving slabs that he invented […]


Welcome to BIOPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY! BIOPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY aims to provide the philosophical community with a forum for critical analysis of biopolitical asymmetries and other mechanisms and effects of power in philosophy and beyond. The BIOPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY insignia in the banner depicts a dandelion, suggesting life, networks, systems, and change (photo credit: James Niland). BIOPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY will […]