Dialogues on Disability on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at 8 am ET

I have read almost all of your interviews and they are always wonderful. …  I am really looking forward to the next installment of Dialogues on Disability.” — Adrian Piper

“I’ve learned so much from Shelley Lynn Tremain’s Dialogues on Disability through the years (and found out about so much exciting work being done by disabled philosophers).” — Jane Dryden

“The Dialogues on Disability platform … has been very helpful to me, especially at times where I did not feel I belong in the world of academic philosophy.” — Disabled graduate student

“Dialogues on Disability is the fortress of philosophy of disability. It makes us safe. When I found the series, I’d grown almost unsalvageably accustomed to shaking off my unease at ethics thought experiments about people like me.” — T. Virgil Murthy

“Shelley’s interviews are incisive and impactful inside and outside of the academy.” — Public Philosophy Network

“I’ve learned so much about ableism in philosophy and academia from Shelley Tremain. I really recommend the Dialogues on Disability series, but all of Shelley’s work is incredibly valuable.” — Megan Dean

Please join me on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, for the 105th installment of Dialogues on Disability, the groundbreaking and critically acclaimed series of interviews that I am conducting with disabled philosophers and post here on the third Wednesday of each month.

The series is designed to provide a public venue for discussion with disabled philosophers about a range of topics, including their philosophical work on disability; the place of philosophy of disability vis-à-vis the discipline and profession; their experiences of institutional exclusion and personal and structural gaslighting in philosophy, in particular, and in academia, more generally; resistance to ableism, racism, sexism, and other apparatuses of power; accessibility; and anti-oppressive pedagogy.

In this month’s fascinating installment of the series, I talk with a disabled philosopher about the benefits of segregated education; the limits of language and the written word; ableist pedagogy; Fanon; community; and much, much more!

If you missed last month’s fabulous interview with C Dalrymple-Fraser, you will find that here.

The entire Dialogues on Disability series is archived on BIOPOLITICAL PHILOSOPHY here.

From April 2015 to May 2021, I coordinated, edited, and produced the Dialogues on Disability series without any institutional or other financial support. A Patreon account now funds the series, enabling me to continue to create it. You can contribute your support for these vital interviews with disabled philosophers at the Dialogues on Disability Patreon account page here.

As an uninvited settler, I acknowledge that the land on which I sit to conduct these interviews is the traditional ancestral territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabeg nations. The territory was the subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and the Ojibwe and allied nations around the Great Lakes. I offer these interviews with respect for and in solidarity with Indigenous peoples of so-called Canada and other settler states who, for thousands of years, have held sacred the land, water, air, and sky, as well as their inhabitants, and who, for centuries, have struggled to protect them from the ravages and degradation of colonization and expropriation.

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